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BREAKOUT SESSION 1 (11:00 - 11:50)
汉字笔画可视化教学 (An Approach to Teach Chinese Character Strokes Visually)
Presenter: Yu Bai, ES Chinese Teacher - Beijing International Bilingual Academy
For learners of Chinese as a second language, the visualization method of Chinese character strokes is used to students’ self-learning Chinese characters, and at the same time enhance their interest and self-confidence in learning Chinese characters.
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Elementary
概念驱动下的语言与文学教学--MYP课程 与国家课程的融合
Presenter: Chen Bingmei, Secondary Chinese Teacher - Chinese International School Hong Kong
IB MYP 语言与文学课程与其他课程一样,是一门注重概念探究的课程。何谓概念?如何在概念驱动下进行探究教学,将概念贯穿于探究教学的始终?方法和过程是什么?MYP语言与文学课程与国家课程各自有哪些特点?有何相似之处?如何去融合,使学生在多方面的知识、技能和理解上收益?此次讲座,将以文学文本为例,提纲挈领地为老师们展示、概念驱动的探究教学模式,以期为老师们的教学提供一些思路和参考。
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Secondary
Understanding How the Brain Learns - Aligning your Teaching Strategies |了解⼤脑如何学习 - 调整教学策略
Presenter: Dr. Ji Hua, Chinese Teacher - International School of Manila
In this breakout session, we will explore the various stages of brain learning and discuss teaching strategies that can best support the brain in each stage. Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of the brain's learning processes and concrete ideas for how to create a more effective and engaging learning experience for their students.
In-Person Chinese Presentation, All Levels
Presenter: Judy Zhang, ES Dual Language Teacher - International School of Beijing
本次工作坊将会向大家介绍如何在低小年级开展科普类写作的教学。您将了解到整个科普类写作单元的完整流程:单元预览- 计划- 书写- 一对一指导/小组教学- 编辑- 书籍出版-单元回顾和总结。工作坊的重点会向您介绍到我们是如何通过丰富的文化活动和阅读科学,兼顾双语班不同语言、文化背景的学生,在科普类单元的写作中进行分层和差异化教学与指导的。 期待您的加入,让我们对相关领域共同进行思考和探讨。
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Elementary School
Inquiry Unit Learning in Dual Language Model | 双语模式下探究单元的教学与探讨
Presenter: Lin Li, ES Dual Language Teacher - International School of Beijing
In this presentation, I am going to show how we integrate the inquiry unit of migration with reading, writing and other resources in Grade 4.
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Elementary School
Presenter: Yang Gu, Deputy Director/DP Coordinator - Fudan International School, Shanghai
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Secondary
Instructional Coach, Program Leader and Partnership for Student Success | 双重教学领导力对学习成果的影响
Presenters: Grace Zeng, Director of Chinese and Jessica Shan, EY-12 Chinese Instructional Coach - International School of Beijing
How do we motivate the colleagues to improve instruction? Why coaching is an effective PD model to help teachers advance students’ literacy and communication skills? How do we cultivate a coaching mindset? How does coaching support standard-based instruction in Chinese and how do program leaders support teacher coaching to have positive effects on student achievement? In this session we will share the coaching model and the framework that’s been implemented at our school, and how the Chinese program leader in partnership with the instructional coach support high-quality literacy instruction on individual and system level simultaneously. Specific examples and data will be shared how this dual focus help build the collective capacity of Chinese teachers and leaders toward common effective instructional practices and meeting high expectations.
Online Chinese Presentation, K-12
Word, Phrase, Sentence Protocol
Presenter: Tara Graves, Secondary Instructional Coach - International School of Beijing
"This routine helps learners engage with and make meaning from text with a particular focus on capturing the essence of the text or “what speaks to you.” However, the power and promise of this routine lies in the discussion of why a particular word, a single phrase, and a sentence stood out for each individual in the group as a catalyst for discussions." - Project Zero Thinking Routine
Join us in experiencing this strategy with fellow participants to read and discuss an English news article.
Online English Presentation, K-12
Presenter: Jessy Tu, Chinese Teacher - International College Hong Kong
Online Chinese Presentation, K-12
Presenter: 苏长鸿, 博士研究生 - 华东师范大学
Online Chinese Presentation, Secondary
从萨提亚模式(Satir therapy)到文本分析
Presenter: Bryan Heng, Mandarin Teacher - Sampoerna Academy, Indonesia
In this presentation, I will examine the potential of the iceberg theory in literature teaching. By analyzing literary works from multiple angles, I will illustrate how this theory can enhance students' understanding of the text and themselves. This sharing section aims to provide educators with new tools and perspectives to enrich their teaching and promote deeper learning in their students.
Online Chinese Presentation, All Levels
Teaching Students to Ask Their Own Questions
Presenter: Niu Yi, Chinese IB Teacher - Chinese International School Hong Kong
Asking questions is an essential — yet often overlooked — lifelong learning skill. When we teach our students to formulate effective questions, we open up powerful pathways for engaged, self-directed learning. The Question Formulation Technique (QFT) is a deceptively simple, practical, adaptable method that helps students become more sophisticated thinkers and problem-solvers. This workshop expands on Santana and Rothstein’s original work by demonstrating how to adapt the QFT to a wide range of Chinese learning environments.
Online Chinese Presentation, All Levels
BREAKOUT SESSION 2 (12:40 - 1:30)
Presenter: Icarus Wang, HS Chinese Teacher - International School of Beijing
1.WHY 问题意识:为什么选择非文学文本,尤其是电影文本作为教学分享的内容,将从课纲的底层逻辑(电影作为20世纪最伟大的艺术,其文本形式对探索领域的最佳回应、其发展本身对于全球问题的最佳诠释、文本的受众需求、文本的广度深度、文本培养的批判性思维与创造力说明选题原因。
2.WHAT 文本概念:电影文本的非文学学科界定与文本形式视听语言。
3.How 如何教学:分享不同国别、文化、类型、时代、性别的电影文本如何围绕五大探索领域的不同全球问题进行解读,尤其是艺术与科技的探索领域、在电影文本教学中如何结合TOK,如何培养学生的批判性思维与创造力
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Secondary
MYP 中文母语教学课程与国家课程的融合与探索
Presenter: Zhang Weizhi, Student - Beijing Normal University
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Secondary
Effective Teaching in a Thinking Classroom
Presenter: Fang Wang, World Language Teacher - NIST International School
What inspires us to find the path for our professional growth, which allows us to evolve into Master Teachers from mediocre and hectic teaching dilemmas? How can we create authentic and meaningful contexts of effective teaching and map the skills carefully that support purposeful learning from a designer's perspective? In this session, the presenter Fang Wang will invite online participants to embark on a learning journey through Reflective, Inquiry, and Action to learn and understand how effective teaching happens in a thinking classroom.
在繁忙的日常教学里,什么在激发我们从平淡的教学里寻找进阶 Master Teacher 的专业成长路径?我们如何以设计者的视角来构建有效教学的场域并搭建支撑有意义学习的技能脚手架?在本节分享里,王老师将与在线同仁以反思、探究、行动的学习路径来学习并理解有效教学是如何发生在思想的课堂里?
In-Person Chinese Presentation, All Levels
Implementing the Reading & Writing Workshop Model in the G4 Native Class | 读写工作坊在母语班的实施
Presenters: Jenny Tang, Director of Mandarin and Leping Yu, Chinese Teacher - Concordia International School of Shanghai
How does the Reading & Writing Workshop Model improve students' reading & writing skills and shape their thinking?
We will share our understanding and experience of using the R & W Workshop Model to teach our native advanced classes in the past five years. We will also explain the mini-lesson structure and our students' learning outcomes in the past five years.
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Elementary School
Meaningful Edtech Integration in Chinese Class | 中文课堂里的科技融合
Presenter: Penny Ma, ES Chinese Instructional Coach - International School of Beijing
This session will focus on the elements of a successful technology integration in Chinese language class. The participants will gain from the workshop:
• Understand the SAMR model and make informed choice of technology integration
• Make a protocol for technology integration in your teaching and learning
• Explore the relevant tools in planning, teaching, and assessment for language learning
In-Person Chinese Presentation, K-12
What is Self-efficacy, and Why is it Important in the Professional Setting?
Presenter: Dustin Collins, Elementary School Principal - International School of Beijing
As a leader, how can I leverage this understanding when planning professional development? In this session, the presenter will share his doctoral research which discusses how job-embedded professional learning, such as instructional coaching, can impact teacher self-efficacy. Participants will reflect on models of job-embedded learning, discuss professional development in their own context, and determine next steps to support teachers in their professional learning journeys.
In-Person English Presentation, Leadership
Pinwheel Discussion
Presenter: Tara Graves, Secondary Instructional Coach - International School of Beijing
This student-centered technique is best used to compare and analyze multiple points of view. It also focuses students on their argumentation skills and use of text-based evidence when drawing and supporting claims and conclusions. Similar to many other discussion formats, students would have an overarching question they seek to ultimately answer as a result of the discussion.
Join us in experiencing this strategy with fellow participants to read and discuss an English news article.
In Person English Presentation, K-12
Core literacy Cultivation and ATL Skill Development from the Perspective of Chinese Experiential Learning | 体验式学习视角下中文核心素养培育与ATL技能发展
Presenter: Yu Luyi, Head of Chinese Department - 上海七宝德怀特高级中学
Combined with experiential learning theories and cases, this paper discusses the cultivation of Chinese core literacy and the development path of ATL skills, especially focusing on the promotion of cultural understanding and inheritance through the utilization of localized resources.
Online Chinese Presentation, Secondary
Presenter: Yang Gu, Deputy Director/DP Coordinator - Fudan International School, Shanghai
Online Chinese Presentation, Secondary
Knocking on the Door to Technology Integration in Chinese Classes
Presenter: Cora Yang, College wide Learning Technology Coach - Renaissance College Hong Kong
This presentation will aim to introduce fun activities I did with the Chinese department at RCHK. Those activities are for all year levels and combined STEAM with Chinese.
Online English Presentation, All Levels
The Application of Brain-based Research in Elementary Chinese Language Class
Presenter: Luo Yi and Yinyao You, Chinese Teachers - Shanghai American School - Pudong
The presentation starts with the summary of the literature review of the research on Brain-based Language learning. Then it presents strategies to enhance language learning based on the literature review. At last, insights on the integration of the strategies into Chinese language learning will be shared with authentic examples from the elementary classroom.
Online Chinese Presentation, Elementary
BREAKOUT SESSION 3 (1:45 - 2:35)
Educational Pedagogy to Develop Learner Autonomy in IBDP
Presenter: Stacey (Kun) Liu, HS Chinese Teacher - Western Academy of Beijing
The presentation will focus on how to use learner portfolio as an educational pedagogy to develop IBDP learners' autonomy in and out of Chinese classes. It will include three parts which are the previous researches review, practice sharing, and Q&A session.
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Secondary
中国新高考及IB评估体系对一线教师教学的启示 ——以2020年全国高考卷与IB语言与文学A高级课程为例
Presenter: Lin Binxin, Chinese Teacher - Shanghai United International School Jiaoke Campus
In-Person Chinese Presentation, K - 12
Cultivating Professional Capital through Peer Coaching: Redesign Teacher PD | 培养专业资本:重设教师成长
Presenters: Dr. Chu Ying , Rosa Kei, and Sky Li - Singapore American School
Peer coaching is one of the most effective tools for transferring knowledge and skills into everyday instructional practices. When teachers actively explore, experiment, and expand their professional learning with peers, their professional capital grows, positively impacting student learning outcomes. This workshop is based on those research-based promises, blended with practitioners' experiences and reflections. Participants will clearly understand Dr. Chu's 3E Peer Coaching model and various peer coaching engagement tools and resources.
Peer Coaching是将知识和技能运用到日常教学实践中的最有效的工具之一。当教师积极探索、试验并与同伴一起增强他们的专业技能时,他们的整体专业资本就会增长,从而大力提高学生的学习成果。这个研讨会是基于这些研究的承诺,同时也融合了实践者的经验和反思。与会者将清楚地了解褚博士的3E Peer Coaching模式以及多种Peer Coaching的形式,工具和资源。?
In-Person Chinese Presentation, All Levels
经典古文教学中的文化因子运用 ——以《古文观止》为例
Presenters: 吴昱昊, 课程中心主任 - 上海万科德英乐教育集团
In-Person Chinese Presentation, All Levels
Reading & Writing Workshop Model Series 2: Teaching narrative reading skills in the grade 3 native class
Presenters: Ning Li and Ou Weiwei, Chinese Teachers - Concordia International School Shanghai
How to teach narrative reading skills using the Reading Workshop Model in grade 3 native class?
In this session we will demonstrate a complete mini- lesson of teaching a narrative reading skill, including connection, teaching, active engagement, and link. We will also introduce the function and meaning of each part.
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Elementary School and Program Leaders
Effective Teaching in a Thinking Classroom
Presenter: Fang Wang, World Language Teacher - NIST International School
What inspires us to find the path for our professional growth, which allows us to evolve into Master Teachers from mediocre and hectic teaching dilemmas? How can we create authentic and meaningful contexts of effective teaching and map the skills carefully that support purposeful learning from a designer's perspective? In this session, the presenter Fang Wang will invite online participants to embark on a learning journey through Reflective, Inquiry, and Action to learn and understand how effective teaching happens in a thinking classroom.
在繁忙的日常教学里,什么在激发我们从平淡的教学里寻找进阶 Master Teacher 的专业成长路径?我们如何以设计者的视角来构建有效教学的场域并搭建支撑有意义学习的技能脚手架?在本节分享里,王老师将与在线同仁以反思、探究、行动的学习路径来学习并理解有效教学是如何发生在思想的课堂里?
Online Chinese Presentation, All Levels
Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
Presenter: Carolyn Michael, Director of Learning - International School of Beijing
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is about adapting our classrooms to make space for learner variability. Although the term "universal" might lead one to think that UDL is a one-size-fits-all approach, it is exactly the opposite. UDL is about shifts we can make to build in flexibility and reduce barriers to learning in our classrooms.
Online English Presentation, K-12
Presenter: Vicky Heng, Early Years Bilingual Teacher - HELP International School
Do you want to know how to tell stories through technology tools (Digital Story-Telling)? This workshop will lead participants into the world of digital storytelling for young children and explore how teachers can use multimedia technology to attract and assist Chinese as a second language young learners.
想知道如果透过科技工具讲故事(Digital Story-Telling)吗? 此工作坊将带领与会者进入幼儿数字故事世界,探讨老师如何利用多媒体科技吸引以及协助二外孩子(中文为第二语言)习得语言。
Online Chinese Presentation, Early Years and KG
Empower Chinese Reading: Strategies, Tools, and Materials for Multimodal and Engaging Reading
Presenter: Justin Zhang, Head of Mandarin (K-12) - Stamford American School Hong Kong
This presentation discusses strategies, tools, and materials to enhance reading skills in students through multimodal and engaging approaches. It emphasizes setting clear goals, diverse reading lists, and promoting the love of reading through discussion and celebration. Recommended tools include graded online readers, digital libraries, graphic novels, and vocabulary building tools.
Online English Presentation, All Levels
BREAKOUT SESSION 4 (2:50 - 3:40)
When Group Creative Writing Meet Arts AI
Presenter: Yingzhi (Leona) Shen, Primary Homeroom Teacher - Keystone Academy
In this workshop, we will share how our young learners create their picture storybooks through group creative writing and “collaborate” with the Arts AI like real authors. The teaching and learning design and reflection also will be shared for further learning and improvement.
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Early Years and KG
Let Data Drive the Decision
Presenters: Aggie Huang and Holly Lin, Associate Directors of Chinese Programs - Shanghai American School
What is data cycle? What data do we need to collect to help us make the decision? This presentation will use an ES Chinese reading assessment based on the F&P model to show the whys and hows of using data in Elementary Chinese at an international school in China. This is co-presented by the Chinese Directors from Shanghai American School.
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Elementary School
Presenters: Feng Qiongqiong, Secondary Chinese Teacher - Keystone Academy
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Secondary
Presenters: Vicky Yang, MS Chinese Teacher - International School of Beijing
In-Person Chinese Presentation, Secondary
Chinese Word Study through the lens of SOR | 基于语素意识的中文词语教学
Presenters: Jessica Shan, K-12 Chinese Instructional Coach - International School of Beijing
In-Person Chinese Presentation, All Levels
Implementing the Reading & Writing Workshop Model in the G4 Native Class | 读写工作坊在母语班的实施
Presenters: Jenny Tang, Director of Mandarin and Leping Yu, Chinese Teacher - Concordia International School of Shanghai
How does the Reading & Writing Workshop Model improve students' reading & writing skills and shape their thinking?We will share our understanding and experience of using the R & W Workshop Model to teach our native advanced classes in the past five years. We will also explain the mini-lesson structure and our students' learning outcomes in the past five years.
Online Chinese Presentation, Elementary School
Presenter: Icarus Wang, HS Chinese Teacher - International School of Beijing
我将从以下三个方面来分享1.WHY 问题意识:为什么选择非文学文本,尤其是电影文本作为教学分享的内容,将从课纲的底层逻辑(电影作为20世纪最伟大的艺术,其文本形式对探索领域的最佳回应、其发展本身对于全球问题的最佳诠释、文本的受众需求、文本的广度深度、文本培养的批判性思维与创造力说明选题原因。2.WHAT 文本概念:电影文本的非文学学科界定与文本形式视听语言。3.How 如何教学:分享不同国别、文化、类型、时代、性别的电影文本如何围绕五大探索领域的不同全球问题进行解读,尤其是艺术与科技的探索领域、在电影文本教学中如何结合TOK,如何培养学生的批判性思维与创造力
Online Chinese Presentation, Secondary
概念驱动下的语言与文学教学--MYP课程 与国家课程的融合
Presenter: Chen Bingmei, Secondary Chinese Teacher - Chinese International School Hong Kong
IB MYP语言与文学课程与其他课程一样,是一门注重概念探究的课程。何谓概念?如何在概念驱动下进行探究教学,将概念贯穿于探究教学的始终?方法和过程是什么?MYP语言与文学课程与国家课程各自有哪些特点?有何相似之处?如何去融合,使学生在多方面的知识、技能和理解上收益?
Online Chinese Presentation, Secondary
Concept-based learning in a bilingual classroom
Presenter: Erica Ning, Chinese Teacher - Australia International School Singapore
In the unit ‘Who We Are’, Y1 Koalas inquiry into the nature and human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures……
During this learning journey, children develop a deeper understanding of the concept of ‘relationship’ through various inquiry-based activities, such as
-making new ‘Play Buddies’ to extend friendships,
-creating ‘Self-Portraits’ to share identifies within the class community,
-building cultural communication through personal artefacts by sharing ‘My Treasure Bag’,
-co-constructing class ‘Essential Agreements’ with children to maintain their healthy relationships,
-solve conflicts by using ‘Kelso's Choices Wheel’
-fill the ‘Class Jar’ and ‘House Team Jar’ to reflect upon daily good choices making to create a ‘Bucket Filling’ classroom
-Value children’s perspectives from the group decision-making process for taking the responsibilities of class jobs
Why is it beneficial?
This session relates to the practical PYP unit teaching experience in a Bilingual Immersion class, which is a special teaching programme in Singapore international schools. The teaching strategies that have been shared in this showcase may offer ideas or inspiration for some teachers to design a concept-based learning experience.
Online Chinese Presentation, Elementary
Presenter: May Zhang, Mandarin A Teacher - Nanjing International School
古人说书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。苏轼曾立志读尽人间书。雨果视书籍为忠实的朋友。 对于现代的我们,阅读到底能给我们带来什么?
Online Chinese Presentation, Secondary
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