Dr. Dali Tan
Explore Effective Classroom Practices to Facilitate Language Learning | 探索高效的课堂实践活动以促进语言的学习 by Dr. Dali Tan, Wu Lei, Wang Zhen, and Rui Huang
How to better organize the classroom, how to better mobilize students' learning enthusiasm and participation, has always been a question that the front-line Chinese teachers think about.
Interest is the best teacher for students. Efficient and interesting classroom activities naturally make students learn in activities.
Based on their own teaching experience, the three teachers will share the most practical language classroom activities from Pre-K to Grade 8, from Chinese listening and speaking to reading and writing.
三位老师将从自身的教学经验出发,给大家分享教学中最实用的语言课堂活动,从pre-k 到8年级,从汉语听说到读写"
Dr. Dali Tan is Professor of Chinese and Chair of the World Languages Department at the Northern Virginia Community College and has been a Chinese teacher in the United States for over twenty-six years. She has extensive experience teaching Chinese to students from 5th grade to college seniors as well as adult learners and heritage Chinese school students. She served on the three-member Editorial Board of STARTALK. She served as a board member of NECTFL (Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) and President of CLASS (Chinese Language Association of Secondary-elementary Schools). She was the Director for NOVA STARTALK eTower Infrastructure Grant Project which has produced several Open Educational Resources modules based on a famous Chinese painting called “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” --
Dr. Tan’s research and pedagogical articles have been published in China, Canada, the Great Britain and the United States. “Study Abroad in China: Transformation of Students’ Perspectives on the World and Themselves,” “Criteria to Guide Textbook Decisions: Reflections from a Classroom Teacher and Teacher Trainer,” “Pearls of Ancient Chinese Wisdom for Twenty-First-Century CFL Classrooms.” She has co-authored many other texts, including “Exploring the potential of high school homestays as a context for local engagement and negotiation of difference--Americans in China.” “Contextualized Language Practices as Sites for Learning: Mealtime Talk in Short-Term Chinese Homestays.” “Discussing Emily Dickinson into Chinese: Lessons from the Cooperative Translation Project.” “The Power of Pattern Stories for Chinese Literacy.” "Building Global Communities: Working Together toward Intercultural Competence" “STARTALK eTower: Increasing Chinese Language and Cultural Proficiency Through Open Access Online Technology.”
谭大立博士现任北弗吉尼亚两年制大学中文教授,国际语言系主任。在美国和中国的大学和中小学里从事中文和英文的教学已有三十余年。曾任美国东北地区外语教学学会(NECTFL)理事,全美中小学中文教师协会(CLASS)会长。从2006年以来,一直担任美国大学理事会顾问, 受大学理事会的委托在美国各地和中国各大学开设AP中文项目研习班和暑期学院。曾五年任大学理事会中文SAT命题委员会成员,两年任大学理事会AP中文考试命题委员会成员。2007至今年担任由美国联邦政府赞助,由国家外文中心主办的“星谈计划”和课程开发工作组成员、项目评估团队负责人。曾多次应邀在各种国际和全国性会议上演讲,在中国,美国,英国和加拿大的丛书和学术期刊上发表论文,应邀在中国和美国各种教师培训项目中任教。谭大立的研究方向包括中文教学语言,文化和其他学科内容的结合, 跨文化交流与比较,跨文化能力培养,开发中文共享网络资源之最佳实践,培养中文读写能力的策略等。她的学生在2003年荣获美国总统学者奖时,提名她为自己”一生中最具有影响力的老师“,为此她同时荣获美国教育部颁发的教师表彰奖。
谭大立发表的学术论文包括:“美国母语教育一瞥。” “耳闻不如目见,目见不如足践:留学中国,认识自我,了解世界。” “选择教科书的关键指标——一个课堂教学者和教师培训者的探索。”“二十一世纪对外汉语课堂上的古代中华智慧。”等。 谭大立与其他作者合作发表的学术论文有“模式故事:一种高效的汉语学习方法。” “把艾米莉·狄金森讨论成中文:从合作翻译项目中所学到的。” “作为学习场所的语境中语言实践:短期留学中国寄宿家庭中的进餐时间谈论。” 等 ,并与其他作者合作出版过从零起点到AP中文的教材(共四册)。
Ms. Wu Lei used to be a front-line teacher in primary and secondary schools in the United States. She was admitted to a Doctorate program in Education in Florida, United States.
Ms. Wang Zhen, a front-line teacher in Primary and Secondary schools in Arizona. Ms. Wang graduated from Brandeis University with a Master's degree in Chinese.
王真老师 -美国亚利桑那州中小学一线教师 Brandeis University 中文硕士专业毕业
Ms. Huang Rui used to be a front-line teacher in primary and secondary schools in the United States. She was admitted to Stanford University for her Master's Degree in Education.
Culture First in Language Learning | 语言学习,文化先行 by Jane Li
Language includes spoken and written language, as well as the information conveyed by architecture, folk customs and values etc, that is culture. Teachers should consciously integrate cultural elements to help students connect with the real world.
Jane Li is a Middle School Chinese teacher at International School of Beijing. Jane has 22 years teaching experiences in three international schools, including 19 years of Non-native language teaching experience, 9 years of Chinese as the first language teaching experience and 10 years of IB teaching experience.
Teaching Non-fiction Genre Using the Writer Workshop Model | 写作工作坊在说明文教学中的应用 by Lin Li
This workshop focuses on the use of writer's workshop program to guide students writing non-fiction works.
Lin Li has over ten years experience teaching in a Dual Language Program in both Lower and Upper Elementary School. Lin is currently teaching Chinese Literacy using the Writer's Workshop and Reader's Workshop.
Elective Courses for Bilingual Language Programs: Enrich and Engage | 双语项目中的选修课设计 by Xian Lu
The presenter will discuss her experience of designing curriculum and teaching elective courses in an immersion language program at a secondary school in the U.S, with a focus on the course of Chinese STEM. Participants will learn how to design an elective course unit, engage students with hands-on activities and assess students’ learning with multiple tools.
Xian is a Chinese teacher at DC International School, a public charter school with partial immersion programs. She is the 2021 GWATFL Teacher of the Year. Students in her classes built kites, cooked dumplings and went on field trips in addition to more typical learning methods. They learn a great deal, and they are certainly never bored!
Yuan Xu
Content-based Language Instruction - Integrated Culture Learning into Online Language Immersion Classes | 以《中文听说读写》教材中涉及的文化内容为例,探讨混合式在线课程设计 by Yuan Xu and Sue Chen
In this presentation, the presenters will share effective methods for teaching culture through activities based on students’ ages, language skills, and curriculum. In addition, the presenters will have an in-depth discussion on designing lesson plans according to students' cognitive abilities, Backward Design Approach, and the Task-based Language Teaching Approach in a remote learning environment. Furthermore, through analyzing the characteristics of online teaching, we will categorize distance learning Apps and select age-appropriate tools for remote teaching.
Yuan Xu
New Century International Elementary School, Chinese Immersion Team Leader | 新世纪国际学校l沉浸式中文负责人
Board of Directors of the American Society of Shufa Calligraphy Education | 美国书法教育学会理事
Board of Directors of Chinese Language Teacher Association of North Carolina | 北卡中文教师学会理事
Sue Chen
Faculty member at High Point University
Greensboro Day School
National Security Agency funded StarTalk Chinese language program
Greensboro Chinese School
Co-chair of the support subcommittee of the Asian-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies
Board of Directors of Chinese Language Teacher Association of North Carolina
Annual NC Chinese Essay and Speech Contest judge